Friday, August 28, 2009

Weekly Weigh In

This morning I did something I had been putting off all summer long.....returning to Weight Watchers. The last time I was there was May 1, 2009. I knew it would be tough to get to the meetings once the kids were out of school and with my juggling three jobs, so I sort of had an unofficial goal to maintain where I was, and then pick up where I left off when I could.

I was fairly confident that I succeeded and made a guess that I would be within 2 pounds of my last recorded weight. Well, the scale fairy was on my side this morning and only showed a 1.4 pound gain. I weighed in at 173.2 on May 1st and was 174.6 this morning.

So now I'm picking back up where I left off. Today was my sons 12th birthday and luckily he requested that I make sushi for dinner. Lean raw fish and rice for dinner made up for the artery clogging cake we had for desert. I'm going to try to come up with some light recipes this week and I will share anything worthy.

I'm looking forward to feeling healthier!

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